January 28, 2008

Brrrain Freeze

Brrr. Brrr. Brrr.

I know thats a stupid way to start a post, but thats how I feel right now. Mumbai is freezing. Its never been so cold in all the years that I've lived here. And I've lived here all my life. At night all the fans are off, and I wear a sweater and socks when I go to sleep. Not only that I put one of those really thick blankets. So I'm pretty much covered with thick stuff from head to toe. But its still so cold. Even during the day, I wear a T-Shirt inside another shirt. Now if only I had gloves and one of those cool woolly hats..
I prefer the cold to the heat anyday. I'd rather freeze to death than burn to death. Its not everyday Mumbai gets so cold.. but its almost everyday Mumbai gets really really hot.. so I'm trying to "enjoy" the cold to the fullest. Don't ask how.

The 4th trailer for GTA4 is here!! Yay!!


  1. lucky u! enjoyn the mumbai winters! i wish i could b in bbay :(

  2. Well its cool here :P

    Thanks for the comment anyway stranger :D

